[Magdalen] Here We Go Again.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Jul 4 10:04:11 UTC 2015

Dare I suggest it's about time for this revision?  Both publications are 
over a generation old.  The 17th century revisers of the BCP recognized 
that words change their normal meaning (and I would add associations) 
over time so periodic revision of the language of our liturgy is advisable.

Such a revision would also bring the opportunity to reflect the broader 
understanding of the Church and the world that applies now than was the 
case when the 1979 edition was promulgated.  There have been some good 
new hymns wriutten in the past 30 years (and some dire ones to be fair) 
so some churches have a separate supplemental hymnal or include the text 
of a new hymn in the service bulletin. When I was in the US last month I 
noticed in one church a separate book of hymns in the African-American 
tradition . Is that what is wanted todayor have them in one book so you 
can choose between different styles in the same service?


On 04/07/2015 08:55, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
> >From the final GC release of the "Living Church" magazine.
> (Yes; I still subscribe!):
> _Planning for BCP Revision_
> (http://livingchurch.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7ced8d836c23908f3154a3db7&id=93110ead85&e=e6bae77766)
> By G.  Jeffrey MacDonald
> The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music will prepare a  plan for a
> comprehensive revision of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
> The  House of Deputies concurred with the House of Bishops on Thursday to
> begin the  process, which could lead to a revision that would “utilize the
> riches of our  Church’s liturgical, cultural, racial, generational,
> linguistic, gender and  ethnic diversity in order to share common worship.”
> David Strang.

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