[Magdalen] Confederate Flag to go in SC

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu Jul 9 20:49:25 UTC 2015

I see the Bill has now been signed into law.  17 hours and 10 minutes 
until it actually happens.


On 09/07/2015 19:02, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> South Carolina is taking down the Confederate Flag.  It should have
> happened years ago...or never have gone up in the first place.  True.  I'd
> encourage those who hold South Carolina in such a negative light, to try to
> see this action as a good thing done by good people.  I am very thankful
> for this progress in the right direction.
> For instance, here in my Representative on the floor of the SC legislature
> last night.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a6Hup6tWKQ
> Go Jenny Horne!
> Ginga

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