[Magdalen] Prayers requested: travel and surgery

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 10:03:21 UTC 2015

Don, both you and Janice are in my prayers as you deal with these health
concerns.  Traveling mercies on your trip.


On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 8:28 PM, <thedonboyd at austin.rr.com> wrote:

> Not sure whether I've told y'all about Janice's gallbladder troubles, but
> several weeks ago she had to have ERCP (endoscopic removal of gallstones
> blocking the bile duct--usually a fairly routine and low-risk procedure)
> and cholecystectomy (removal of gallbladder itself).  ERCP #1 required
> putting in a stent, and when time came for stent removal, previously
> undiscovered gallstones were found.  New stent installed.  Stent #2 removal
> found still another very large previously undiscovered stone, this one too
> big to be removed with the endoscopic equipment available.  Stent #3
> installed.  Gastroenterologist here referred her to specialist iin Houston
> who has access to laser lithotrypsy device that will enable breaking up the
> stone and removing it.  This will be ERCP #4; the alternative would be
> going in the old fashioned way--much more invasive, higher risk, longer
> recovery, etc.  Tomorrow we will drive from Austin to Houston, see GE there
> on Tuesday, do procedure on Wednesday, return home on Thursday.  We ask
> your prayers for safe travel and effective relief from pain she is
> experiencing which is likely due to the yet-unremoved stone.
> And while you're in your praying-for-the-Boyds mode, I ask a petition or
> two on my behalf--I've been having lower GI distress (sparing you
> disgusting details) of unknown origin since early June and am undergoing
> serial tests in descending order of probability.  My GE is certain that
> whatever I have isn't life-threatening, which is nice to know, but like
> anyone who has prolonged GI distress I am not enjoying occupying my body
> right now--and I need to be able to focus on helping Janice.
> I well know that compared to what some of you are living with this is
> relatively minor trouble.  Guess I'll go read about Job's troubles.

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