[Magdalen] Anglicans Online Essays | Pierre Whalon | Marriage, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion

Jon Egger revegger at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 19:30:36 UTC 2015

The dioceses' of West Mo, Mo, Kansas, West Ks, and Nebraska have formed the
Bishop Kemper School for Ministry (in Topeka, Ks) for the old "canon 9"
trained pastors.  West Mo is revamping their discernment process, also.
Not sure if the other dioceses' in the BKSM are doing the same.  One of the
outcomes of this new process includes having a track (deacon or presbyter)
before entering BKSM.

This is needed, IMO.  In the past two years 8-9 deacons in West Mo, have
gone back to school (BKSM) to become presbyters.  My parish (Old Trinity)
wanted me to go back to school, but my health has deteriorated since then.
I would consider it, especially since I would ask for minimal salary when
priested.  Old Trinity, now in an interim, is in no shape whatsoever to
have a seminary-trained presbyter.

Grace and peace,

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 1:16 AM, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
> wrote:

> On 14/07/2015 03:33, James Oppenheimer-Crawford wrote:
>> It seems the man is talking about what is already a done deal as if
>> somehow
>> talking about it as if it were negotiable would somehow make that idea
>> true.
> Don't forget that +Pierre is writing out of a European context where that
> is not necessarily the case.  TEC is not the totality of the Anglican
> scene.  What may be a done deal in the USA is not necessarily so elsewhere
> in the world.
> Roger

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