[Magdalen] A California court has been asked to block the sale of St Jame...

Zephonites at aol.com Zephonites at aol.com
Sat Jun 27 21:12:51 UTC 2015

You know that TEC's policy under the present PB is not to sell back to a  
departing congregation (but rather in one case they sold the building below  
it's market value to the Muslims as a place of worship rather let the 
departing  congregation have it) then the option of entering a competing bid is a 
non  starter. Indeed not many people could compete with a foirm of buolding  
contractors out to sell 20 plus house on th plot!
In a message dated 27/06/2015 17:19:46 GMT Daylight Time,  
jguthrie at pipeline.com writes:

From:  Scott Knitter

>Agreed. Great question, and one for which I'm eager  to hear Bp. Bruno's 

For one thing, how about defining "on the  way to recovery."  This is a 
where there has been continuing  hostility to the diocese, and since the 
proved ownership, many  members have cut or ceased their pledge (one needs 
to go 
back in time a  bit before the current brouhaha to get the honest picture).

>From what I  see it is not a self sustaining parish, and considering that 
many of 
their  members consider TEC and their Bishop as heretics, one wonders what 
incentive might be?   Why can't the congregation enter a  competing bid for 
property and be rid of both TEC and their Bishop? If  they were truly 
"recovering" financially, they certainly have the credit  available to do 

Nah, Self-imposed Martyrdom is much more fun in  some  circles.


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