[Magdalen] Feeling very grown-up

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun Jun 28 19:30:30 UTC 2015

LOL.  I'm very long on BILLY bookcases already!!!!!  But I really want 
to go the lighter IKEA route overall.

It's right in Port Hope.  14 Hill St South, which is a little No Exit 
lane with only me at the end down in the valley.  Toronto Rd morphs into 
Ridout, which morphs into Walton, the main drag that runs down to the 
Ganaraska River.  My little lane runs north off Walton, plunging down 
between adjoining houses at the road and their gardens that run downhill 
behind their properties to my bivouac.

Thanks for the good thoughts.

Marion, a pilgrim   ... today my sail I lift ....

On 6/28/2015 1:19 PM, Susan Hutchinson wrote:
> Marion,
> Molly has it right. IKEA has it right and at a reasonable price. White BILLY bookcases rule! ;-)
> Blessings on the new place, which sounds wonderful. Where is it?
> May healing, love and peace abide within.
> love and blessings
> Susan
> On 2015-06-27, at 7:55 PM, Molly Wolfmama wrote:
>> Shed the mahogany! IKEA is your friend.  Well, my friend, anyway.
> The Rev. Susan Hutchinson
> 604-319-7148
> shutchinsonca at gmail.com
> .

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