[Magdalen] How about this?

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 28 20:10:27 UTC 2015


This brought tears to my eyes even thought I am not sure what sort of 
tears they are.  There is a mix of emotions - thankfulness for the 
generosity of the gift and sorrow for the loss the schism has caused.

Last week you worshipped with your landlords in the Methodist Church in 
the wake of the Charleston shootings, which I referred to in my sermon 
this morning drawing attention to the bereaved people's comments at the 
arraignment of Mr Roof.  The theme of that was that none of us know the 
whole truth, into which we need to be led by the Spirit.  I join with 
your bishop's prayer that divisions will be healed as we respomd to 
Christ's claim that as he is lifted up he will draw all to himself - and 
hence closer to each other with the implicit subtext.  This latest gift 
I regard as a foretaste of the realisation of that promise.


On 28/06/2015 20:44, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> Good Shepherd is trying to raise funds for the interior upfit of our new
> worship space.  The space is going to be a really nice worship space.  We
> are fortunate to have an interior architect and also a construction
> engineer among our parishioners.  They are a father-in-law and son-in-law
> team.  The space they have drawn and overseen is stunning in its simple
> beauty.  Even with all the saws and boards and saw horses and boxes of
> plumbing supplies still filling the space, when one pauses and draws a deep
> breath, there is palpable evidence of the presence of God in that space.  I
> cannot wait to worship there, which will happen on July 19th.
> The upfit is expensive.  We have funds set aside but we have not called
> very loudly for parishioners to contribute.  And, as one might expect, out
> giving has had low energy.  With our PiC on family leave, we have not had a
> leader's voice to call us to more generous giving.
> Today, our Treasurer, with great tears, announced to those gathered to
> worship that a couple has made a several thousand dollar contribution to
> purchase all of the chairs we have ordered for the nave.  They read our
> email newsletter this week and sensed a strong call to make this gift.
> They have allowed their names to be told to our congregation -- for many
> reasons, I believe.  This couple are members of St. Paul's, Summerville,
> the Lawrence church where many at Good Shepherd were members for years and
> generations before the schism.
> Our bishop, the Rt. Rev. Charles vonRosenberg's prayer is that this schism
> in SC will be healed, that in several generations, reconciliation will
> happen.  I believe the gift given this week is evidence that some on the
> other shore hope and pray for reconciliation, also.
> Amazing grace.
> Ginga

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