[Magdalen] Whoops. We've got the Southern slavers' battle flag in the National Cathedral.

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Tue Jun 30 17:44:28 UTC 2015

From: ME Michaud

>Wait. The AME predates the Civil War by several decades. And the
>separation wasn't pretty but it was alot cleaner than you indicate.

True enough. But that's different than TEC kicking out southern Blacks as the 
price of "Reconciliation."

>ObAng: I miss them and am grateful that many seminarians ar EDS
>attend St. Paul's AME in Cambridge to find out what a functional
>church actually looks like.

I think all TEC seminarians should attend a service in as many other 
denominations as they can during their studies so as to both broaden their 
horizons and to learn "What the competition is up to." <g>

I thought the part about a "functional church" interesting. I've never heard the 
term "dysfunctional church" applied to AME (or AME Zion or the other flavors, 
not to mention Church of Christ or the other national historic Black Churches. 
Not saying there aren't some out there, but hearing that dysfunction phrase 
applied to TEC, Presbyterian, Methodist, RC, UCC and even UUs and Jewish 
Synagogues, I think there may be something telling there.


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