[Magdalen] Whoops. We've got the Southern slavers' battle flag in the Nat...

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 30 21:56:57 UTC 2015

On 30/06/2015 22:37, James Oppenheimer-Crawford wrote:
> Even better is an end to denominational seminaries.  You can certainly have
> classes on the polity stuff you think you ought to want to know, but a lot
> of great learning happens at a seminary that does not happen in a school
> run by one church just for its own kids.

In England a lot of the seminary education occurs in ecumenical 
settings, mainly Anglican and Methodist but sometimes including a 
broader spectrum.  Given that what unites us is greater than what 
divides us it seems to me that there is value in all students studying 
the ecclesiology and emphases of the various traditions so as to produce 
greater understanding and better ecumenical relations.


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