[Magdalen] Prayer Request Summary Lent 2 2015

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 23:14:28 UTC 2015

Add my thanks to the chorus.

It's probably all right to take me off for the parking lot incident of 
Jan 7, 2015.  Still waiting to see the neurologist to say I'm fine, but 
life goes on all right, though still without taste or smell and I have a 
head full of white noise if I do a lot of bending, etc.  Singing is an 
exertion that brings that on as well, but if it can't take a joke ....

I would rather have prayers for great strength and positive thinking as 
I try to drastically reduce my footprint in this house well before May 
8.   Four boxes of books sadly deemed to be 'expendable' in the bedroom 
so far ....  Oh my!

Thank you.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 3/4/2015 5:41 PM, Eleanor Braun wrote:
> Thank you Jay for doing this along with Lynn.
> One minor correction -- I'm being treated for ovarian cancer, not breast
> cancer.
> Eleanor
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 3:36 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Prayer Request Summary Lent 2
>> +with continuing prayers
>> for  sister Eleanor Braun, being treated for breast cancer
>> + Concluding Collect +
>> O God, be with us as we come together on this list; grant us wisdom as we
>> write; compassion as we read; and above all, discernment in our actions, so
>> that what we may write, or think, or do may come from your Holy Spirit,
>> reflect in all ways your will and in all things be to your glory, through
>> Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Composed by Sharon Brown, 9 Feb.2000)

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