[Magdalen] Listgiv received

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 23:06:37 UTC 2015

Sadly, no.  But I'm getting very good at discerning what must be tasty.  
I can tell if something is sweet, like maple syrup or the creamy smooth 
of milk chocolate.  I would say that I can *almost* taste maple syrup 
but can't.  Couldn't have told you about the cheese on my own.
Going to neighbours in a moment for a liver dinner -- we stick 
together!  Not sure what I'll make of it, but will clean my plate 
regardless.  It's all about taste memory and mouth feel.  I'm getting 
used to it and don't feel too deprived.
That's why I love chili flakes and jalapenos and ginger and hot sauce.  
The heat registers!
Still need trickle prayers, I guess, but I live in hope. Just about 9 
weeks on, now.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 3/9/2015 6:50 PM, Jo Craddock wrote:
> Amazingly good to hear, too. Does this mean your senses of smell and taste have returned? (Reading in bits and pieces, lately, but always prayers.)
> Peace,
> Jo
>> On Mar 9, 2015, at 4:40 PM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The other day a food demonstrator in the local store gave me a mouthful of cracker, smoked gouda, bacon, and maple syrup.  Amzingly good!  But who'da thought?
>> Marion, a pilgrim
>>> On 3/9/2015 4:57 PM, Kate Conant wrote:
>>> My son Dan always tells me that US Grade B is better than Grade A for the
>>> same reason.
>>> I started reading the book this afternoon while I waited to get a car
>>> inspected.
>>> The syrup won't necessarily wait for Easter--just can't have eggs or butter
>>> (maybe on toast?)!
>>> "What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk
>>> humbly with your God?"
>>> Micah 6:8
>>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Susan Hutchinson <shutchinsonca at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 2015-03-09, at 9:48 AM, Kate Conant wrote:
>>>>> Today I received my listgiv.  Many thanks to Susan Hutchinson for the
>>>> book
>>>>> and maple syrup (YUM!).
>>>> Proving once again that Susan is the list's worst procrastinator!!
>>>> I am glad you like it, Kate. The book is meant to be amusing yet
>>>> thoughtful -- so I am hoping is good for adding a bit of cheerfulness for
>>>> Lent. The maple syrup will have to wait for Easter, but worth the wait. I
>>>> got my favourite No. 2 medium, which I think is more flavourful that the
>>>> standard No. 1 light.
>>>> love and blessings
>>>> Susan
>>>> The Rev. Susan Hutchinson
>>>> 604-319-7148
>>>> shutchinsonca at gmail.com

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