[Magdalen] Psalm - Whither Goeth Thou?

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Sat Mar 14 18:34:06 UTC 2015

From: Ferdinand von Prondzynski

>I wonder what you mean by that, Jim. Plainchant isn’t for everyone or for
>all occasions, but it is a hugely important part of our liturgical
>heritage. Nor is it useless to this generation. Just yesterday I heard a
>very impressive use of plainchant by a modern rock band in one of their

Plainchant should appear at the principal TEC service on Sunday morning with the 
same frequency as the entire Bach b-Minor Mass or Mozart's Coronation and the 

But I commend to you the report I cited in my earlier post, particularly its 
section on worship (but the whole thing is well worth it).



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