[Magdalen] Why are my messages showing up twice?

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Mon Mar 16 00:49:24 UTC 2015

I love Gmail.  But it also labeled Brian's as Spam, and like Mike L's, said
with a bright yellow flag, that it wasn't labeled as Spam because of a
filter I previously made (NOT to send any Magdalen mail to spam).  My
friend uses some webmail (earthlink, maybe), and it's always disappearing
on her and deleting messages, refusing to open photos, or opening them
upside down, etc.  She often asks me about gmail, but "never has the time"
to learn about or try it.


The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY
ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
blog:  www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 6:11 PM, Lesley de Voil <lesleymdv at gmail.com> wrote:

> <g> (wintry smile)
> I remain embarrassed that I still use it. Unfortunately, alternatives
> available to me are worse.

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