[Magdalen] (Re-)Introduction

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 10:37:27 UTC 2015

Thanks, Ferdinand.  Yes, much hope for redemption and small 'r'
resurrection...God bringing new life out of death.  Holy Communion (in
downtown Charleston) is known as the high church in the low country.  The
Rev. Dow Sanderson serves as Rector.


On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 9:50 PM, Ferdinand von Prondzynski <
F.von-Prondzynski at rgu.ac.uk> wrote:

> Thank you, Ginga. I am an occasional vacation visitor to SC, in the
> Charleston area. To my surprise and delight I found that the most
> Anglo-Catholioc church there, the Church of the Holy Trinity, remained in
> the Episcopal Church. There is still hope!
> Ferdinand
> Ginga Wilder wrote:
> >Welcome back, Ferdinand.  I joined St. Sam's in June, 1997.  I remember
> >you
> >but I did not join many conversations back in that day.  I am an
> >Episcopalian in South Carolina.  When the bishop, most of the clergy and
> >parishes in SC left The Episcopal Church in October 2012, South Carolina
> >put itself back together as an Episcopal diocese of TEC.  We are legally
> >restrained from using the word diocese, but...that's what our geographical
> >designation is within TEC.  Things are crazy here but not as crazy as
> >before October 2012.  I am senior warden of a small new mission Episcopal
> >(TEC) congregation in SC and serve on the standing committee of The
> >Episcopal Church in SC.
> >
> >Glad you are here and I look forward to your conversations.
> >
> >Ginga Wilder

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