[Magdalen] Awareness/Memories.

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Thu Mar 19 20:21:42 UTC 2015

I have a memory from when I was 18 months old, like Jay.  We were in a very
sunny place, standing outside a long, green wooden building -- looked a
little like a summer camp dorm.  Someone fed me something very sour.  My
mom says we were at my uncle's in Arizona, and he fed me a lemon from the
tree in the back yard.

I also believe that just because we don't remember something consciously,
it lives on in our brain and our body.  Sometimes phobias, more or less
severe, are a result of these kinds of things -- panicking when one's face
is covered, for instance, or getting a little claustrophobic, or extreme
fear of fire.  Wonder if that baby will be afraid of water?  The memories
don't go away, they just go underground -- especially the traumatic ones.


The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY
ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
blog:  www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:43 PM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:

> It varies. I know people whose first memories are from around
> age five. Others who remember being infants.
> There are very interesting conversations to be had with friends
> around this issue. I love hearing about people's first memories,
> especially because very young children have so little context.
> -M
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
> > There were other recent reports of bad events for children as young
> > as 1 year of age.  Will they remember?
> >

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