[Magdalen] Prayerpats needed

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 22:19:53 UTC 2015

What they call sod's law in some circles.  Prayer pats heading your way!

Marion, a pilgrim

On 3/23/2015 6:10 PM, Lesley de Voil wrote:
> Hi all, I managed to do something to my left knee earlier this morning as I bent down to restrain the dog who was fooling around too close to the driveway while number 2 son was driving out. I am doing the hot pack, cold pack routine. Some prayerpats are requested as I have 2 funerals, a wedding and a singing practice to drive (1 hour each way) to before Sunday. <cosmic sigh> Why do these things happen just when you have to keep busy?
> Regards
> Lesley de Voil

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