[Magdalen] Prayerpats needed

Georgia DuBose gdubose at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 16:58:07 UTC 2015

Very glad to hear that things have improved. Continued prayers for
continued improvement and abatement of the "niggle."


On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Lesley de Voil <lesleymdv at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks to all for kind thoughts and prayers. Hot n cold packs, bed rest, prayers and good wishes (not necessarily in that order!) have worked wonders and although there's a niggle when I'm actually walking things are much improved today. I'm trying to arrange a meeting with a friend to talk music for  a wedding we are performing at.  On hearing my schedule, she exclaimed, "And you're supposed to be retired!" Ha. Old musicians never die, they just keep playing around.
> Regards
> Lesley de Voil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Judy Fleener" <fleenerj at gmail.com>
> Sent: ‎26/‎03/‎2015 7:58
> To: "magdalen at herberthouse.org" <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
> Subject: Re: [Magdalen] Prayerpats needed
> Pat..pat ..Pat
> and hugs.
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 8:25 PM, Esther Williamson <momohl1 at cox.net> wrote:
>> Pat, pat, pat.
>> Esther
>> On 3/23/2015 6:10 PM, Lesley de Voil wrote:
>>> Hi all, I managed to do something to my left knee earlier this morning as
>>> I bent down to restrain the dog who was fooling around too close to the
>>> driveway while number 2 son was driving out. I am doing the hot pack, cold
>>> pack routine. Some prayerpats are requested as I have 2 funerals, a wedding
>>> and a singing practice to drive (1 hour each way) to before Sunday. <cosmic
>>> sigh> Why do these things happen just when you have to keep busy?
>>> Regards
>>> Lesley de Voil
>> ---
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> --
> Judy Fleener, ObJN
> Western Michigan

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