[Magdalen] Federal appeal ruling in favor of SC Bp vonRosenbert

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 31 20:56:14 UTC 2015

On 31/03/2015 20:00, Lynn Ronkainen wrote:
> “Nothing in the record in this case indicates that Bishop vonRosenberg's
> request for injunctive relief is frivolous

Indeed, the unanimous published opinion seems to this non-lawyer to be a 
clear instruction to "hear this case on its merits and don't duck the 
issue because of local politics."  Like many (most? all?) here I have a 
clear view how this case should ultimately be determined I do try to see 
what basis those of a different opinion have for their view.  When it 
comes to deciding who is entitled to be regarded as the Episcopal 
Diocese of South Carolina I believe that being a recognized part of what 
is popularly termed The Episcopal Church is a necessary condition to be 
met. Those who decline to adhere to the doctrine and discipline of TEC 
have placed themselves outside it and so do not meet that essential 

Roger, who can say what Ginga is prevented by legal constraint from 
saying even if she wished to.

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