[Magdalen] Desecration of Episcopal Church.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Wed May 20 13:16:28 UTC 2015

A knife to the heart, especially for those who worhip in that church.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 5/19/2015 11:30 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
> TEC in Kingston, PA (just across the river from Wilkes-Barre, PA),
>   was vandalized sometime yesterday.
> The lovely collegiate gothic stone structure, built in 1930 was  covered
> with graffiti inside and out, and vestments, and Blessed Sacrament
> wafers strewn about the sanctuary.
> Police are, of course, investigating.
> There have been other such events involving other denominational  church
> buildings in the past in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area.
> David Strang.
> .

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