[Magdalen] Suggestions, please

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon May 25 16:35:59 UTC 2015

So, after the overwhelming chaos and emotional and physical demands of 
the last two months, the For Sale sign is up and that is just fine.  I 
am in an almost empty house that echoes and has absolutely no personal 
stuff like books or pictures and minimal furnishings.  A monastic cell. 
   In the kitchen are four boxes whose contents would have been on the 
counter and so forth and for which there is no room otherwise but which 
need to be at hand, things like the coffee maker, my jars of cereal, 
cannisters of sugar, flour, etc.  I guess if I leave the taping machine 
out it'll look like I'm still packing up!

The agent showed some people yesterday while I was off at church. 
Great!  She popped by this morning to say some people are coming at 7 
p.m., this evening   What on earth does one do at such times???  I am 
delighted that anyone is interested, but what does one do, especially if 
banished from one's home beyond once or twice?  this is the week I must 
cobble together a sermon on Trinity, not something I can easily do at 

Marion, a pilgrim

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