[Magdalen] Trinity Anyone?

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Fri May 29 18:14:38 UTC 2015

WHY do clergy inflict this on their congregations??

> On May 29, 2015, at 2:07 ctPM, Joseph Cirou <romanos at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Ascension may do the Te Deum; but Scott moans every year about the dreary
> recitation of the Athanasian Creed.
> I don't believe it is sung; if is it is in a simple psalm tune.  Is there a
> full blown musical setting of the Athanasian Creed?
> (maybe the Swedenborgians in Greek?)
> Joe
> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Ah geez, our Te Deum will take the form of a hymn: Holy God we praise your
>> name.  Probably some cheesy tune that nobody knows. NOT the same as the
>> real thing with its majestic words.  Couldn't we recite it or something?
>> How I pine for full throttle liturgy and music in a grand setting!  Oh,
>> well.
>> Marion, a pilgrim
>>> On 5/29/2015 1:09 PM, Marion Thompson wrote:
>>> My little church will have both thuribles fuming away during the Te Deum
>>> with the Sanctus bells ringing.  No choir, sadly, so who knows what our Mr
>>> Music will come up with for us.  In my own heart, I will revisit other
>>> lovely musical times while giving up myself to the glorious cloud.  A sad
>>> footnote to my current life is that, with the total absence of smell since
>>> January, I have lost that fabulous aspect of incense. :-(((
>>> I'm preaching and haven't one word down yet.  The joys of having a house
>>> on the market.  Yikes!
>>> Marion, a pilgrim
>>>> On 5/29/2015 12:09 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
>>>>  Home parishes for any of our listmembers dusting off the
>>>> handbells and double thuribles for a Solemn Te Deum at the
>>>> conclusion of the main choral liturgy this Sunday, Trinity Sunday?
>>>>> From personal experience, it is one of the really fun liturgical
>>>> moments when the altar tends to play hide and seek from all the
>>>> smoke, and best observed from the back of the church or the
>>>> rear gallery.
>>>>  Ringing chord clusters on handbells is also much fun as the
>>>> church choir drones on through the lovely solemn plainchant.
>>>>      David Strang - a spike at heart.

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