[Magdalen] Prayers for discernment

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat May 30 19:11:03 UTC 2015

But, alas, I am not ordained and now too long in the tooth to be 
considered.  It was not written in the stars.  Their loss.  I continue 
to be useful as an 'enriched' licensed lay reader.  Have drawn the  
Trinity Sunday  sermon short straw again -- back to work.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 5/29/2015 3:46 PM, Susan Hutchinson wrote:
> >>>>You are right about Montreal and Quebec generally, in my 
> experience there is not a lot of anglo catholic practice (and what 
> there is is not particularly female friendly) and it's even difficult 
> to find the BAS once you are out of the city. However, depending on 
> your French, there is a great need for part-time/non-stipendary clergy 
> in that diocese.

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