[Magdalen] Prayers for discernment

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun May 31 01:22:53 UTC 2015

Thanks, Grace.  An most interesting site,  I will commend it to a friend 
who has just discovered Richard Rohr.
I have maundered along much less concisely than him, but beyond love 
haven't found a neat simile like him!  But who knows? they will love it 
or hate it.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 5/30/2015 3:58 PM, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> Marion, I'm sure it's too late to be useful, but I saw a marvelous post on
> FB yesterday, and when I followed it, the opening page had a terrific
> meditation on the Trinity by Richard Rohr.  The site is
> theworkofthepeople.com <http://workofthepeople.com>  I pulled it up just
> now to check, and the Trinity piece is right on top...it's a video with
> Rohr and some stunning views of space.   You might want to just take a look
> at it; in fact, I commend it to all of you.  The site is by subscription,
> but there's a free trial period available.  They also have a seven part
> series on the Eucharist , which was the trailer on FB yesterday. With
> Parker Palmer, Sara Miles, Stanley Hauerwas and others.  Very moving. The
> piece on the Trinity was not unlike what I preached on Trinity Sunday last
> year, but much more effective and poetic.  Good luck with your sermon.
> Thankfully, I'm not preaching tomorrow...  I'm going to be visiting at
> Cady's church and will hear her rector's reflections on the Trinity--ending
> his 40+ years at that church, which, appropriately enough, is Trinity
> Church!
> On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> But, alas, I am not ordained and now too long in the tooth to be
>> considered.  It was not written in the stars.  Their loss.  I continue to
>> be useful as an 'enriched' licensed lay reader.  Have drawn the  Trinity
>> Sunday  sermon short straw again -- back to work.
>> Marion, a pilgrim
>> On 5/29/2015 3:46 PM, Susan Hutchinson wrote:
>>>>>>> You are right about Montreal and Quebec generally, in my experience
>>> there is not a lot of anglo catholic practice (and what there is is not
>>> particularly female friendly) and it's even difficult to find the BAS once
>>> you are out of the city. However, depending on your French, there is a
>>> great need for part-time/non-stipendary clergy in that diocese.

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