[Magdalen] Prayers for discernment

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun May 31 19:37:53 UTC 2015

They get their money's worth from me and my offerings are always well 
received in the pews.    My next is June 14, the only  Sunday in June 
not assigned to Corpus Christi or special stuff going on or our Patronal 
festival and the last that Fr. Ted can give me.  Then our new full-time 
Fr Tony will be with us and I imagine he will want to make his mark for 
the first while.  Gosh we/I will miss Fr. Ted; what a solid citizen he is.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 5/30/2015 5:32 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> On 30/05/2015 20:11, Marion Thompson wrote:
>> But, alas, I am not ordained and now too long in the tooth to be 
>> considered.  It was not written in the stars.  Their loss.  I 
>> continue to be useful as an 'enriched' licensed lay reader.  Have 
>> drawn the  Trinity Sunday  sermon short straw again -- back to work.
> That's the problem with being a lay preacher - the priest draws up the 
> schedule.
> Roger
> .

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