[Magdalen] Time is -- uh ....

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 3 01:54:59 UTC 2015

On 03/11/2015 01:49, Judy Fleener wrote:
> Roger, I had no idea you would be in Grand Rapids.  We live 40 minutes from
> Grand Rapids and would love to show you some of the churches nearby and
> have you spend the night if you like.

I am booked into the Comfoirt Suites but will be looking for somewhere 
to worship on Sunday 1 May.  The other Sundays I will have to see if I 
can catch a church "on the fly" as I will be going from one place to 

I realise that next year's route may not be going near many listsibs but 
chances to meet are always welcome even if it is a coffee in a diner.


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