[Magdalen] Fwd: A Statement from Bishop Goff: The Installation of Michael Curry

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 00:39:37 UTC 2015

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> From: Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com>
> Date: November 6, 2015 at 7:36:01 PM EST
> To: Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com>
> Subject: Fwd: A Statement from Bishop Goff: The Installation of Michael Curry
> From our bishop suffragan. The video of this is on YouTube; I don't think the link will come through here.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: The Diocese of Virginia <communications at thediocese.net>
>> Date: November 6, 2015 at 4:23:25 PM EST
>> To: gracecan at gmail.com
>> Subject: A Statement from Bishop Goff: The Installation of Michael Curry
>> Reply-To: communications at thediocese.net
>> The Installation of Michael Curry as the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
>> Reflections on the Installation of Michael Curry as the 27th Presiding Bishop
>> The Rt. Rev. Susan E. Goff
>> "This is the best possible time to be a part of the Church." A colleague said that as we bishops were lining up to process into Washington National Cathedral for the Installation of Michael Curry as the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church on Sunday, November 1. I could not agree more.  This is a marvelous time in the Church as we witness the Holy Spirit doing things that are new yet ancient, and as we participate with the Spirit in shaping renewed mission for a still-new century.
>> At the beginning of the service, then Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori opened the doors to the Presiding Bishop-elect and the two of them went to the baptismal font.  They blessed the water and invited the massive congregation to join with them in the renewal of baptismal vows. They reminded us clearly that all we do - all our ministry of worship and praise, all our service to God's people, all our love of God's world - ALL is grounded in the promises we made at our baptism.  Even the authority of the Presiding Bishop is all about baptism - not ordination, but baptism. 
>> Bishops Katharine and Michael then walked down the center aisle together, sprinkling the people with the water of baptism. They - and we - danced and laughed and sang in the water, rejoicing in the movement of the Spirit.  Because the Spirit is on the move, leading us in ways that are ancient yet ever new, reminding us of what is really important - and that is our service to God's people and to God's earth in the name of the living Christ. 
>> As the service proceeded, Bishop Curry was formally  and officially seated in the bishop's chair.  He knelt to offer a prayer  "Grant me wisdom and compassion," he prayed.  "Fill your Church with the power of your Spirit, that our ministry together may bring healing to your world and glory to your Name." The moment he said "Amen," a brass ensemble played the "Fanfare to the Common Man" by Aaron Copeland. And chills went up my spine as I recognized a leader who roots his authority in God and in the simple commonality he shares with all people. 
>> The Holy Spirit is at work in this age of rapid change in society and in the Church.  The Holy Spirit is reminding us in powerful ways of who we are and who we are called to be in Christ's name. The Spirit is leading us, as Michael Curry so beautifully says, to participate in God's work of turning the nightmare this world so often is into the dream of God. 
>> So we don't have to be afraid, even in the midst of all the changes in our world.  The Church is not dying - it is changing.  And it is thriving as the Spirit renews us again in ways that are ancient and ever new. So don't be afraid.  The Jesus Movement, as Bishop Curry puts it, is ongoing. The Spirit is on the move.  And God is leading us, loving us, calling us, and blessing us - for the sake of the people God loves and for the sake of all creation.
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