[Magdalen] Oscar Meyer Closure.

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 20:20:50 UTC 2015

This is really sucky and I'm quite sure Walker's lack of attention has not
helped at all. And to think Wisconsin has 2 more years of him......

On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> I feel so bad for my home State's Capital, Madison, Wisconsin.
> After 2/3rds of a century, Kraft/Heinz is closing its Oscar Meyers
> headquarters and plant with terrible loss of 1,000 jobs.
> The Oscar Meyer brand isn't going away, however, but this is part of
> a widespread "restructuring" of Kraft/Heinz, which has downsized
> thousands of workers in earlier consolidations.
> What will Madison's East Side be like without the stench of the
> slaughterhouse and meat packing odors apparent even through
> closed car windows?
> Seriously, though, this is a terrible blow to Madison, and the
> authorities there "did not see it coming."
> I'm reminded of the impact of Grand Metropolitan when they
> purchased Pillsbury in Minneapolis, and strode into that city
> like Mehmet II, Ottoman Sultan, claiming all for himself.and
> Islam in 1453.
> The downtown skyscraper headquarters of Pillsbury was
> Grand Metropolitan's Hagia Sophia, and they strode into the
> building, immediately dismissing a thousand Pillsbury executives.
> I pray for all the torn up lives and for the City of Madison.
> You'd think trying to survive Gov. Walker would be enough sadness
> for the next century.
> David Strang.

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