[Magdalen] Health update

Lesley de Voil lesleymdv at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 21:13:42 UTC 2015

Eleanor, you've been in my prayers along with a friend of mine from
North Queensland, who was diagnosed with Ca Ov over four years ago.
She wanted to see her daughter through university, so accepted a very
aggressive treatment regime. Helen has now graduated  and is doing
postgrad studies overseas now. Alison had quite a long period of
remission, and although she now has multiple secondaries, which are
being treated atm, she is still in there fighting! Her problems have
been compounded by the distance she has had to travel ( Brisbane-
Cairns ~1800km) for treatment. I hope and pray for successful
treatment for the pair of you.

Lesley de Voil

On 11/12/15, Ann Markle <ann.markle at aya.yale.edu> wrote:
> Oh, Eleanor, I'm so sorry.  Of course you will be in my prayers.
> Ann
> The Rev. Ann Markle
> Buffalo, NY
> ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
> blog:  www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Eleanor Braun <eleanor.braun at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Last April I was told I was in remission from ovarian cancer, following a
>> course of chemotherapy.  Since then, I've had blood tests and follow-up
>> visits with my doctors every three months.
>> At my October visit, the blood work indicated that cancer cells had
>> returned.  I had another CT scan and a visit with my surgeon in Boston,
>> who
>> confirmed that the cancer was back.  This is not entirely surprising, as
>> ovarian cancer is known as being "very aggressive."  Not surprising, but
>> of
>> course disappointing.
>> My Boston doctor and local oncologist have agreed on a treatment plan,
>> which will involve more chemotherapy with slightly different drugs,
>> starting this Friday.
>> With this particular regimen it seems that I can take myself to treatment
>> and return, since I don't have to take Benadryl.  And I have two weeks on
>> and one week off.  So perhaps a more normal life, at least for a while.
>> Your prayers and good thoughts will be most welcome.
>> Eleanor

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