[Magdalen] Books to inspire and comfort

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Wed Nov 11 21:16:40 UTC 2015

I like Sue Monk Kidd's "When the Heart Waits."  Not specifically for
illness, but helpful for any "between time," like undergoing treatment or
awaiting diagnosis.


The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY
ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
blog:  www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com

On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Sally Davies <sally.davies at gmail.com> wrote:

> My colleague at Aurora Hospital, Lizelle, has asked me to suggest books
> that we could buy to stock up a small library for our patients.
> She says not necessarily self help books, but books that people find
> helpful when struggling with chronic health problems, pain or disability -
> as well as other emotional challenges.
> Mention of the book on Adult Children of Alcoholics reminded me that
> there's a lot of collective wisdom here in the Pub...I'd be interested to
> hear about books that others have found helpful, including story-books.
> Sally D

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