[Magdalen] Another Scotland?

Joseph Cirou romanos at mindspring.com
Mon Nov 16 03:19:14 UTC 2015

Are there any "report cards" on how successful the various independence movements around the world are?

I have read about Catalonia: some happy with the relative autonomy, others wanting full independent; other regions of Spain: especially Basque and I think there is a third Iberian region. 
I am sympathetic to the cultural autonomy of Basque and Catalan languages and culture.
Catalan is the official language of Andorra
The Bretons talk about separation from France
I imagine there are other examples beyond the lunatic fringe.
Now if the Hawaiian could succeed, they might wish to amalgamate with Tonga, restore the Hawaiian monarchy and create an Oceanic monarchical alliance.
How about a Vatican like arrangement for the Phanar and Halki in Turkey--maybe Florence II should be convened with Pope and Patriarch entering into Communion--The Grand Duke Palaeologue/Despot of Epirus could be invaluable/ Unfortunately, he appears to be among the 47 people that can't be seen in a Monty PYthon routine.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Cantor03--- via Magdalen <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
>Sent: Nov 13, 2015 2:36 PM
>To: magdalen at herberthouse.org
>Cc: Cantor03 at aol.com
>Subject: Re: [Magdalen] Another Scotland?
>In a message dated 11/13/2015 1:25:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
>eleanor.braun at gmail.com writes:
>Do you  have any links or reading materials on this?  This is the first  
>I've heard of this.>>>>>>>>
>Simply google under the heading "Hawaiian Independence Movement."
>You'll come up with many references.
>D. Strang.

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