[Magdalen] Chicago neighborhoods

Judy Fleener fleenerj at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 12:42:05 UTC 2015

My grandson Logan is basically a Tennessee country boy.  After 2 years in
junior college he is at Roosevelt University, a gritty, urban campus with
basically 2 buildings

The Auditorium Theater, a national landmark building

and the new Wabash or Blue Building.

When I was young this area was filled with strip clubs and less than
wonderful bars.  Now there is a Panera's, a Lou Melnot's  and a Whole Foods
grocery store.  Logan is still slightly intimidated, but has found a brand
new build movie theater where admission is $7 before 11 in the morning.  He
rooms with 3 other people in a place called the University Center at the
corner of State and Congress where 1700 college students from various
institutions live.  http://www.universitycenter.com/current-residents/

I am amazed at the changes in Chicago.
Judy Fleener, ObJN

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