[Magdalen] Egtablevay?

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 14:06:58 UTC 2015

My poor brother (the older one) is somehow sensitive to all legumes. We
don't know how he got that way, but it started with peanuts when he was
small and has spread to all of them.....ALL. He used to tell our mom that
peas "made his mouth feel itchy" and she disregarded him and made him eat
them anyway. She apologized in later years.

I had a similar problem with canned pineapple as a child, when it was all
canned in sugar syrup. I think it must have been something about the
process, because when the juice-canned stuff appeared I had no problem
whatever, and I have no problem with fresh either.

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 7:45 AM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've never been able to eat tomatoes. Am sensitive to some enzyme so that
> they make the inside of my lips break out in itchy blisters! Heat removes
> it, apparntly, because I have no problem with stewed tomatoes or tomato
> sauce.
> The gf adores fresh tomatoes, so her celebratory cry has always been "More
> for me!!!"
> -M
> On Sunday, November 22, 2015, Sally Davies <sally.davies at gmail.com> wrote:
> > It was also deemed a vegetable in this house.
> >
> > I bought the best I could find...to this day neither of my boys will eat
> a
> > tomato.
> >
> >

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