[Magdalen] How's the weather in South Carolina

Judy Fleener fleenerj at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 00:10:26 UTC 2015

On a better note, I birded the Francis Marion Forest and found 2 life
birds, the Bachman's Sparrow and the Brown-headed Nuthatch.  I also saw my
first Wood Stork on that day.  A great birding day.  It was in 2006, I
cannot believe it was that long ago that we were in Charleston and

On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 7:16 PM, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>

> On 04/10/2015 23:28, Ginga Wilder wrote:
>> Summerville area has had a reprieve from the rain today, but they are
>> back.  We will have moderate rainfall through the night.  6 PM weather
>> reports that people who love South of I-26 (Summerville and Charleston)
>> will get 3-6 more inches of rain before this goes away tomorrow.  People
>> who live above 1-26 (Moncks Corner and Georgetown) will get as much as 12
>> more inches through the night.  Summerville has already had over 13
>> inches,wo we may reach near 20 inches for the storm.
>> Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes due to rising
>> water inside....reports of 4 - 6 - 7 feet in houses.  Evacuations has been
>> ordered in Dorchester County (my county) who live within a mile of the
>> Edisto to evacuate immediately.  It's not over yet.
>> Please pray for those in harms way in South Carolina.
> I saw the map the Episcopal Diocese in South Carolina posted on Facebook.
> The colours look pretty but the figures for anticipated rainfall are not.
> That amouynt of water is going to take some shifting, and then there's the
> clear-up.
> Keep safe.
> Roger

Judy Fleener, ObJN
Western Michigan

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