[Magdalen] German RC bishop speaks boldly

M J [Mike] Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Fri Oct 9 17:07:22 UTC 2015

>>>It is interesting to see that Europe is more 'progressive' on these issues 
than the U.S. is now. I must say that as things unfolded in my childhood, 
this issue of divorced/remarried people played heavily in my reasons for 
leaving the church in my late teens, and in an immature sense, granted, not 
believing in a God with the kind of 'rules' that existed in regard to 
divorced/remarried people. The irony is that over the last 40-50 years many 
RC have chosen to do what they want, or in some parishes even being 
counseled to act in ways not 'allowed' by 'the church'.... which as a teen 
50 years ago, further confused my anger and disbelief/doubt.<<<

It most likely won't happen in our lifetimes, but one of these days the RCC will simply have to deal in a realistic way with the fact that more than 50% of its membership both (a) love it, and (b) despise many of its moral teachings with a clear conscience (which latter thing Rome makes a point of always playing up).

I can certainly see, though, how more than 1000 years' worth of pontificating itself into a corner the modern world simply doesn't acknowledge, can be quite the poser.

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