[Magdalen] On a humorous note

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Sat Oct 10 19:27:43 UTC 2015

From: Mahoney, W. Michael

>It ain't just a church problem.  There is a very large segment of humanity
>that believes that any chord will sound better if it is just sounded longer.


I heard that criticism to the tune I wrote for a "school song" as part of a 7th 
grade music class assignment.

Had the opposite problem in college -- the music dept. decreed that all organ 
students write Mass Setting for the new ICET/ICEL texts. All of us got D's 
because (a) our chords were;t long enough and (b) part of the assignment was 
that the music must be singable by a musically unsophisticated congregation. 
Most of our compositions would have made John Cage proud.


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