[Magdalen] Hymnals and Perspective.o

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Wed Oct 14 00:36:53 UTC 2015

Let's keep in mind that the Hymnal(s)are a creature of General Convention. 
Everything was presented to them, and quite a bit of the new stuff and changes 
were presented during the Green Book/Zebra Book phase. There's even a"Prayerbook 
Studies" booklet from 1980 on "New Hymns" (I have a copy from a class on the 
subject) of things proposed for H82.

It should be noted that Powell's service music for example, was there as he 
wrote it and not before Alec Wyton "fixed it up." IIRC the early study editions 
included the entire Proulx "Community Mass" as well, which after parish input 
morphed down to the Sanctus only. It would appear that they eliminated the 
Proulx/Shubert Gloria because the text is slightly different than the BCP.

But still, it was all presented to GC, studied in advance, studied in committee 
and there were very few objection, most of which were wiped out when GC decided 
that the 1940 would also continue as "official."  As I've told grousers before, 
the replacement of H40 with H82 in any parish was a matter to be taken up with 
the Rector and vestry.

Some parishes stuck with the 1940; others put both in the pews, and yet others 
use on e for one service and the other for another service (StPKSt replaces H82 
with H40 in the pews Sunday for SE&B. St Thomas Fifth Avenue has both in the pew 
racks and notes carefully in the bulletin which to use.

But I think it wholly inaccurate to trace the things one doesn’t like in H82 so 
some little cabal which imposed it on everyone. It just isn’t true.

Jim Guthrie

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