[Magdalen] health care...

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 01:23:28 UTC 2015

I was talking about Medicare Advantage. Not Medigap.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Jim Guthrie <jguthrie at pipeline.com> wrote:

> From: Jay Weigel
> Do you have Medigap or one of those other policies which is basically
>> "instead of" REAL Medicare?
> Can you explain exactly how a MediGap supplement is not **real** Medicare?
> That is certainly news to me having Medicare and the MediGap picking up
> the 20% that Medicare part B does not.
> I realize Medicare Advantage is different -- it's essentially a
> Medicare-funded HMO that covers 100% of nearly everything, but limits the
> doctors and medical facilities. Some would say that's not **real**
> Medicare, but others swear by it.
> There are six MediGap plans - A-B-C-D-E-F, all of which carry different
> benefits and costs. What they cover is standard across all companies
> offering the plans, and the only thing different is the monthly premium.
> Some people are a bit naïve about choosing which plan will serve their
> needs best, and think they can save by getting the cheapest -- which
> results in great financial pain if they suddenly have a catastrophic health
> crisis of some sort. That might appear to be not **real** Medicare in those
> cases.
> But then Americans generally have no clue on these things, though they are
> real happy to pay huge medical care costs in return for choosing their own
> primary care physician.
> Cheers,
> Jim

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