[Magdalen] health care...

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Wed Oct 21 14:09:22 UTC 2015

From: Jay Weigel

>I was talking about Medicare Advantage. Not Medigap.

Aha! Some people swear by HMOs, others swear at them.

A good one is a gem -- a bad one is a horror. But most people don’t know how to 
pick one in the first place, or have it picked for them by employers looking to 
save a bundle on health insurance. OTOH, most MA plans are somewhat less 
nitpicky than employer-funded HMOs Though I realize some folk have horror 
stories either way).

But as I wrote earlier -- I loved Kaiser when I had it -- but never saw any 
other HMO I thought compared to it.


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