[Magdalen] Well at least that's over with.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Wed Oct 21 23:17:50 UTC 2015

On 21/10/2015 23:16, Christopher Hart wrote:
> I like nearly all of what Bernie has to say and stands for, but I wonder if he can win in a general election.

 From what I have read he does not appeal in the Southern States. We 
have a similar problem over here where there are grave doubts as to 
whether the newly elected Leader of the Labour Party might put people 
off in a General Election.  A poll indicated that people like his ideas 
until they hear whose ideas they are.

> I would gladly take Hillary over anyone in the Republican field.

Fair comment. Is the USA in for more government stalemate with 
Republican candidates unelectable as President but ther House and most 
State legislatures with Republican control?  A good deal of pragfmatism 
and determination to allow the country to function is needed but can 
sensible Repyblicans sell that idea to the grass-roots?


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