[Magdalen] Well at least that's over with.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Wed Oct 21 23:50:33 UTC 2015

On 22/10/2015 00:45, Jim Guthrie wrote:
>> From what I have read he does not appeal in the Southern States. We
> Neither did President Obama, for that matter.
> You need 270 electoral college vote to become President.
> A candidate could lose 90-10 in all the Southern States -- and maybe 
> even lose the popular vote. But you can win without those states.
> Keep in mind that Al Gore won by a half million votes in 2000. How'd 
> that work out for him?

The question is whether he would have enough delegates at the Democratic 
Convention to secure the nomination in the first place.


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