[Magdalen] How to view Presiding Bishop Installation Service

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 25 08:53:27 UTC 2015

On 25/10/2015 05:31, James Oppenheimer-Crawford wrote:
> Bishops are an anachronism we don't need anymore, and it is a bit of a
> surprise to me to think that folks have any qualms with that.  Numerous
> folks have expressed profound reservations about the wisdom of having
> significant power resting in one induhvidual who may or may not know how to handle it.

I agree that there have been, and almost certainly will be, times when 
gishops yse their power and influence unwisely.  Some members of this 
list have experienced, or still experience, the effects of that.  It 
shows the truth of Lord Acton's observation that power tends to corrupt 
and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That said I recognize the value of individual leadership, somebody who 
has a clear vision and can give a sense of direction.  In the Anglican 
Communion we call them bishops, but they also need to take the people 
with them.  That is why I value the concept and practice of a Church 
that is episcopally led and synodically governed.

For the good of the Church (and their own good) bishops need to consult 
effectively with those they lead, and a representative cross-section of 
them rather than simply the individuals they have picked.  Leaders need 
to listen to constructive criticism and practical concerns.


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