[Magdalen] Prayer Request

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 02:18:30 UTC 2015

I have just heard from Brooke White, whose husband John has been on our
prayer list since he had open heart surgery. John has been in rehab in a
nursing home in the town where they live, as he is recovering very slowly.
Night before last he fell and broke his hip. He is currently in the ICU in
a hospital there, but Brooke hopes to get him transferred to the VA as soon
as possible.

Friends, I don't feel good about this at all. John is a Vietnam vet who
came in contact with Agent Orange. His health has been poor for some time
and he suffers from depression. This is just one more damn thing. Brooke is
a very tough woman, but she's been through a lot in the past year, not only
with John's declining health, but also the unexpected death of their eldest
daughter. She needs prayer as much as he does. Even the toughest branch can

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