[Magdalen] Pawpaws - young trees available

cady soukup cadyasoukup at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 14:58:21 UTC 2015

ObAnglican - some of us are gardeners!?

We have yearling & two-yearling pawpaw trees available. I live in the
Virginia mountains, so pickup or drop-off are the best options. We
have - hmm - 30 or so young trees available? They should fruit at
about 5 years, although they need assistance with cross-pollination.
If you are the moderately adventurous sort, we will have stratified
seeds available soon. Yes, my husband is doing more than his share to
spread the wealth of pawpaws.

The trees are very brittle - the branches break when climbed by
raccoons, and so do better in shady areas. They are very attractive
trees, grow up to be a bit larger than "shrubbery," and have large,
glossy leaves that deer do not eat.

hoping the levels of chaos will begin to wane - I've now had the same
job for almost 3 full paychecks, have a vehicle of my own for the
first time in about 25 years, and am beginning to sort out schedules,
transport, computers, and finances <phew>!

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