[Magdalen] Helpful reading: Prayers for Ascension, Chicago

Susan Hagen susanvhagen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 15:53:50 UTC 2015

Our parish went through some very difficult times with the ouster of
an impaired rector, a very unhelpful interim, short and bloody tenure
of a new rector and a more 'therapeutic' interim period.  Some books I
found useful were:

Generation to Generation:  Family Process in Church and Synagogue by
Edwin H. Friedman.  This one is a great application of family systems
theory to congregational processes.

Two others that were useful to our particular situation were

Clergy Killers: Guidance for Pastors and Congregations under Attack

The Toxic Congregation: How to Heal the Soul of Your Church

Both by
 G. Lloyd Rediger


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