[Magdalen] Scott Walker!!

M J [Mike] Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Tue Sep 22 17:08:41 UTC 2015

>>>I think we can be grateful for now that the evangelical crazies have rallied around Ben Carson. It means their fellow-travelers (like Walker) will all fall away (like Walker) leaving only those candidates who give them lip service and do nothing for them in rolling back the things they've lost in the culture wars if elected.<<<

It dawned on me last night that Carson of all people should be careful bitching about what religion should and should not be in the White House, considering he's Adventist, and Mitt's Mormon hurdle last time around.  He'd be quick to point out that Adventism is more "mainstream" (aka, "acceptable") than Mormonism, and certainly more "in line with the Constitution".

I will also say that the fellow on Lawrence last night who, though a Democrat, honestly critiqued Obama's religious sincerity both made my mouth drop, and impressed me.  Not in terms of trying to cast aspersion at Obama (he truly wasn't), but in terms of all the hoo-haw that we all expend defending Obama's right to say and be what he is, and how all that defense never even touches on the question of "okay he's a Christian, but is he a good one?"  Meaning, in the end, it's no one's business, really, and religion really should have nothing to do with presidential reality.

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