[Magdalen] WTPho?

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Wed Apr 6 04:04:13 UTC 2016

For about a year now or more, I've been meaning to try the new Vietnamese noodle house ("Mr Noodles") just across the street and down a bit.  Southern Vietnamese, apparently, as the pho is served with bean sprouts and jalapenos.  My God, do I love it.  I've eaten dinner there for the last few days, and plan on finishing out the week.  It's the healthiest I've felt in ages, food-wise.  They are good, they are cheap, and they are quick.  So far I've tried the shrimp, flank steak, and meatball pho.  (Forget the meatball; all they did was cut a tennis ball in pieces and pass it off accordingly.  No one's perfect.)  Tomorrow night I'm doing the shrimp again.  And the shrimp spring rolls?  Lord.

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