[Magdalen] Arrow prayers, please

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Apr 10 21:11:48 UTC 2016

On 10/04/2016 11:46, Marion Thompson wrote:
> I'm preaching this morning at St. Mark's!  First service of two is 8 
> a.m.  Oy!  For a variety of reasons I slept very lightly and poorly 
> last night and had the alarm set for 6:30 to be sure of being up in 
> time.  But at 5:45 my eyes popped open "I haven't ironed my surplice!" 
> (washed the other day, thank goodness), so up and at it.

Iron?  Isn't that why God invented polycotton deapite the earlier 
injunction against mixed fibres? ;-)


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