[Magdalen] Liver.

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 15:25:31 UTC 2016

Liver was a treat for us when I was growing up....surprised? But it was
something my dad didn't like, so we had it on the rare occasions when he
was away at supper time, at a faculty meeting or some such. IIRC, my mother
dusted it lightly with flour/salt/pepper and fried it just until tender and
served it with lightly sautéed onions. She knew how to do it right, being a
Depression kid. We didn't usually get bacon with it, though.

We get liver from our online grocery. It's from locally raised, grass-fed
beef, and oh, boy, the difference in taste from commercially raised liver!
I often cook it just until tender and then make a sauce with red wine,
onions, and green peppers (mushrooms if I have them), but I may try it your
way, David. What else will be served with it?

On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> Our housekeeper, who occasionally prepares a hot evening meal for us,
> is going to do a rare treat:  Kalbliver lightly sauteed medium rare,  and
> sauteed onions and sauteed bacon on the side.  Pennsylvania style  seems
> mostly to chop up the bacon and the onions into a sort of sauce that is
> then
> poured over the liver.
> Au contraire, the liver will be crisp on the outside, and
> not covered with sauce.  I can't tell you the number of times I have  asked
> for
> this at a PA restaurant to end up with the wet liver and onion/bacon  sauce
> anyway.
> Since my housekeeper is a Polish immigrant, I hope she has not become
> PA brainwashed in preparing today's treat.
> We shall see.
> David Strang.

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