[Magdalen] Get a look at Google while it's still there.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Fri Apr 22 01:57:28 UTC 2016

>>>It did take me awhile to even notice anything, but then I'm not at all familiar with Prince's music.<<<

I'm learning more, just today, and God am I amazed.  He's not what for me is a "musician", but neither was Michael Jackson.  But artistry?  He invented DIY before it existed.  Once the hubbub dies down, I'm going out to eBay to buy an original LP of "Purple Rain", each track of which was a HIT.  Even Los Beatles (lohs-beetless) couldn't claim that.  Pretty wild.  I kinda wish I'dve known him.  What a personality.

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