[Magdalen] Another prayer request

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 01:17:48 UTC 2016

Thank you, Chris and Lynn and anyone else upholding Glenn in prayer.   I 
know it is strong medicine.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 4/27/2016 8:51 PM, Christopher Hart wrote:
> Praying here for a fellow prostate cancer victim, and hopefully survivor.
> On Wednesday, April 27, 2016, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> One of my three close chums from my former church where I still help with
>> the food bank has had confirmation of prostate cancer.  It is stage one or
>> two and he has opted for surgery in June, rather than other options.  His
>> partner of more than 25 years is a strong silent type and will be
>> internalizing his obvious concerns.  Some part of the convalescence will be
>> at my place in Port Hope whenever. Anyway, please add Glenn and Dean, his
>> partner, also one of the three, to your prayers.
>> Did I say that Glenn is Mr. Music, _the_ music provider at that troubled
>> place that has no choir or anything other than Glenn's free-ranging
>> often-inspired offerings?  Two local churches have said No to any formal
>> linkage so at best down the road there may be Option C, a part-time
>> priest.  Incidentally, this last Sunday there was a sub and for a brief
>> moment order was restored with a familiar way of celebrating and sensible
>> pauses.  I gather it was balm for the soul.  So on top of everything, the
>> church now faces a time of the priest leading the hymns without
>> accompaniment, as happened last summer.  No money in the pot to pay a sub
>> organist.  It is more than sad to see the place crumbling away this way.
>> Marion, a pilgrim

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